The shots. The story

Tue 05 Mar, 2024


I decided to delve deeper into the microwedding topic because in recent weeks I have received some questions about it in emails and DMs, so why not open a reflection on a truly current topic, especially in these uncertain times and volatile economies.

However, perhaps the novelty of microwedding is not just a question of fashion and habit, other factors are probably also involved, including the pandemic.





In Italy, intimate weddings have always been celebrated, sober and without too many guests or excessive expenses, but the reason has usually always been only one: they were second weddings.

In fact, in our country there has always been a relative interest in second marriages because, thanks to a certain cultural heritage and a touch of stigma, they have always been considered less important than first ones, almost as if it were an event to celebrate, but without flaunting it...this whole remarriage situation needs its own post, so let's move on.




In 2020 the wedding industry (along with everyone's social life) suffers a significant setback: weddings all over the world can only be celebrated by following a protocol that is sometimes difficult to interpret and makes the situation even more difficult, the rules vary from state to state, effectively ruining the destination wedding industry.

In 2021, although still extremely serious, the management of the wedding event is starting to become less demanding: there are still certain restrictions, but some couples decide to seize the opportunity to significantly reduce the number of their guests.

Marriage yes, but only with people who truly belong to the closest circle of personal relationships. For everyone else there is the cake moment and the party.




In many regions, marriage is still traditionally considered according to its social and cultural function, as a preliminary rite to the creation of a family, and having to talk about budget, especially a house.

In the past, the wedding served not only to make the couple official, but also to make the lineage honourable: in this context there was a need to invite large numbers of acquaintances and relatives, so that they would contribute not only to witnessing the birth of a new social group, but also to the creation of the future house with the famous "envelope".



Returning (and quickly) to our contemporaneity, we cannot fail to notice how the social situation has changed quite radically in recent years.

The vast majority of couples now live together before getting married, they already have a home and more and more often, they arrive at the altar with at least one child. Marriage is therefore no longer something from which to start a new family, but a celebration that can take place at any moment in the history of a couple.

Therefore, as there is no longer the need to build a house from scratch, the need to invite many guests also disappears.






Is it really just about money?


We have already talked about how intimate marriage already existed as a concept in our country too, but so what is this new microwedding issue?

The difference lies in the fact that while in an intimate wedding we still try to keep the economic issue under control (and therefore the budget becomes something that conveys the couples' choices) as far as a microwedding is concerned, the economic aspect is not at all binding.

The organization of a microwedding differs from that of a classic wedding only due to the micro number of guests: generally they do not exceed 20 (but you can reach up to 50).

But those lucky few will be over-spoiled and over-pampered by the spouses and all the staff, totally transforming the meaning of the event: the meaning of the word "micro" which might seem dictated by economic considerations is overturned and redefined in a context of exclusivity: if you are at this table is because you are truly special to us.


REMINDER: having fewer guests does not mean having fewer costs but investing the budget differently.

A microwedding can be the right choice for a creative couple, eager to dedicate and dedicate themselves to a unique and unrepeatable experience by organizing a tailor-made, intimate but extremely refined event - perhaps abroad - taking care of every single detail. By reducing the number of guests, you eliminate a whole host of tasks that might otherwise take a lot of time and effort. This not only simplifies planning, but also allows the couple to focus more on the most important aspect of the day: celebrating their love in an intimate and authentic atmosphere.


Would you also like to organize a microwedding and are you wondering how a wedding photoshoot would take place in such an intimate context? Send me an email or call me, I will try to answer all your questions and put my experience as a candid wedding photographer at your complete disposal!

RAIN AT A WEDDING: A GUIDE FOR  | Laura Stramacchia | Wedding Photography



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